Thursday, November 21, 2013

Working Hard

This week we were in Los Angeles for the show with my good friend in Beverly Hills ... Cantor Arik Wollheim. The Concert was amazing

Yesterday I recorded a duet with Andy Williams who passed away last year. I am going to sing with him when he sings the theme song from the movie Love Story- on the screen. Love story is also the name of the song..

Sunday will be dedicated to filming, until then shows every night.
The moment I am waiting for is to sit back in my seat on the flight to Israel... It's amazing here but there is no place like home especially when your home is in Israel.
Good news I heard today from my Dear sister that stayed in Israel for couple of months now. My beloved mom is released from the hospital after nearly a month of hospitalization days Thank you Lord for all the blessings you do with me each and every day...
Shabbat Shalom


  1. rak besorot tovot

    ototo Chanuka Sameach

  2. איזה מגניב שיש לך בלוג…
    ואני לתומי חשבתי שאין עוד מקום כמו מיאמי.
    בריאות טובה לאמא ותסביר לי בהזדמנות איך עושים דואט עם מתים,
    בהצלחה בהמשך ובשורות טובות,
