Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hello Again!

This week was very special, especially because my  wife  Tova finally joined me here in Branson, it's  Not so nice to be here alone.. 

Preparations for shooting my show " Jerusalem" are getting into high gear. Tomer Adaddi the musical producer of the show, jimmy Osmond the producer and I are entering to a three weeks of frantic studio work.
The show that Im performing here every evening shows good progress and more and more people are discovering me here where nobody had heard of me
Word of mouth does a good job, because anyone who comes sends his friends .... Come here eight 
million tourists a year and we aim to eventually invite all of them..
In Another Topic , 
We've heard a lot of negative news about teenage football players recently. And while some have engaged in awful behavior, the truth is that there are a lot of amazing people in the world. 

Take a good care my dear friends.
Dudu. ....
Shabbat Shalom

1 comment:

  1. ,,Dear Dudu,G-d bless you,you are a true mantch,and we love ye,,have a great success,at your concert,,you deserve it,,Yehuda
