Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy chanuka

Happy chanuka everyone...
We are back home after 6 weeks in Branson Missouri.. 
This is the second year we run of my show "Jerusalem" in Branson.. Next year we will be there again from November 4th to December 6th, in the same place. The Caravelle Theater in Branson.
Last Sunday, Monday and Tuesday,  we filmed my new show for public television stations around America.
A show with many guests like the Osmond brothers, the Lennon sisters, Tony Orlando, The Springfield Boys Choir, who are singing with me 

"Yerushalaim shel zahav" in an amazing performance, a wonderful singer Abbi Rose who sings with me "Adagio" I even sing a song with the legendary Andy Williams who passed away about a year ago.
We hope that the show will start airing in April of 2014. My last show which was filmed in Bet Shean was aired almost 2000 times in the last 4 years.
All arrangements were written and conducted by the talented Tomer Adaddi.
28 musicians from the Springfield symphony took part at the filming. Bob Williams directed and Jimmy Osmond produced.
All of us are very exited to see the results of the filming...
Three days of very hard work, singing every day for 8 hours.... Now it's time to light the chanuka candles with the family and have a good rest.
Also heard this week that the short movie we shot some time ago about a holocaust survivor who immigrated to America is in final stage of editing.
Can't wait to see this movie too..
Wishing all my Jewish friends happy chanuka
And to my christian friends happy holiday season.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Working Hard

This week we were in Los Angeles for the show with my good friend in Beverly Hills ... Cantor Arik Wollheim. The Concert was amazing

Yesterday I recorded a duet with Andy Williams who passed away last year. I am going to sing with him when he sings the theme song from the movie Love Story- on the screen. Love story is also the name of the song..

Sunday will be dedicated to filming, until then shows every night.
The moment I am waiting for is to sit back in my seat on the flight to Israel... It's amazing here but there is no place like home especially when your home is in Israel.
Good news I heard today from my Dear sister that stayed in Israel for couple of months now. My beloved mom is released from the hospital after nearly a month of hospitalization days Thank you Lord for all the blessings you do with me each and every day...
Shabbat Shalom

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hi from Branson


We are in the studio day and night recording the music for the shooting that will be on the 24th, 25th and 26th of November
I want to dedicate this blog to my musical producer Tomer Adaddi, who's doing a wonderful job in such a short time

Within two weeks, he wrote 24 symphonic arrangements (!)  and each more beautiful than the other. He did not sleep for two weeks, Tova my dear wife arrived here a week ago, and we are preparing meals for him that his time will not go to waste... He also eats only kosher, and there are not so many options to find good falafel here :) :) :) I hope his parents won't read my blog, because they will kill me for what I was
doing to their darling

Tomer is a gifted pianist, composer and conductor one of the best I have known. He played, and wrote songs to the top singers in the country - Rita, Shlomi Shabbat , Adam, Shlomit Aharon and much more. 
Now I'm on the verge of hacking into the global market and about to sign a contract with Warner Brothers International

We both feel that we are making history here in Branson Missouri and I'm so glad that God sent him to me as a partner 

From here I want to thank him for the hard work and single-mindedness. Even when my father died a month 
ago, and I was not feeling well, he walked with me hand in hand to make sure that I could leave this place and come to Israel as soon as possible 
I do not think I'd have time to write anything more until after filming, so I separate here, and in the next blog I will write about the flight back to Israel on 27th for the first candle


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hello Again!

This week was very special, especially because my  wife  Tova finally joined me here in Branson, it's  Not so nice to be here alone.. 

Preparations for shooting my show " Jerusalem" are getting into high gear. Tomer Adaddi the musical producer of the show, jimmy Osmond the producer and I are entering to a three weeks of frantic studio work.
The show that Im performing here every evening shows good progress and more and more people are discovering me here where nobody had heard of me
Word of mouth does a good job, because anyone who comes sends his friends .... Come here eight 
million tourists a year and we aim to eventually invite all of them..
In Another Topic , 
We've heard a lot of negative news about teenage football players recently. And while some have engaged in awful behavior, the truth is that there are a lot of amazing people in the world. 

Take a good care my dear friends.
Dudu. ....
Shabbat Shalom

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hello Dear Friends

Hard to get back performances after the death of my father three weeks ago . But, life goes on  and busy concert schedule does not permit Currently taking a break

I got back to Branson and its amazing here. Bringing jerusalem to the entire world
Tourists come here from all over the U.S. and all support and love Israel 
 I'm in Miami to participate in the live broadcast television station PBS. The program I took in Beit She'an Valley four years ago is still shown here hundreds of times each year. Today at six o'clock in the State of Florida they will air the show again

I'll be back tomorrow to Branson to  continue preparations for the tour and photo two new programs for PBS. One program will be entirely of songs from musicals . Second program will be the program with songs of Jerusalem and Israeli songs translated into English.
Tomer hadadi , talented music producer work very hard on the orchestrations and recording studio and does .a great job . The guy just brilliant 

Bill Hicks passed away almost 20 years ago, but his words about life still resonate. His time on earth was short. But if he lived by his own advice, I bet it was a good ride

Good week and a good month for all of you