Friday, March 28, 2014

Dear friends.

Thursday night and In Florida now after five sold out shows in Aventura Art And Cultural Center.
I love to spent the winter in sunny Florida and to sing to sold out theaters. 
Friday is my holiday and you will be able to find me at the Sony Tennis tournament.
I love tennis, and always played the game.
On Sunday we will be in west palm beach at the Kravis Center and I hear that not many tickets are left. Harry up if you would like to take part in an intimate evening with me and the amazing Tomer Adaddi on the 

Monday, is going to be an exiting day for us.
We will be recording at WPBT studios the pledges for my new PBS special, "Dudu Fisher The Voice Of Broadway" the show was recorded in Branson Missouri where I am running with my show "Jerusalem", every November/December. Recording the pledges will be the last part we need to complete the show. PBS station all over America will start airing the show in June 2015.
This Shabbat we will be blessing Rosh Chodesh Nisan.
I wish you all a wonderful Shabbat, a good month of Nisan, and happy and kosher Pesach.


Sunday, February 23, 2014


I was in three events last week; one is bigger than the other...
Mike Huckabee Which is now visiting Israel with a group of Evangelical Christian tourists, invited me to sing at dinner that marked the opening of their journey to the Holy Land. It was a memorable evening with perfect Sympathy to Jerusalem and Israel

A day later I was invited to sing in the Israeli Knesset in Chagall hall for the heads of Jewish organizations in the U.S
Here too it was a thrilling experience unparalleled to see our brothers and sisters who came to express their support in our land.

But on Friday I was invited to sing in the most important event of the week. The "Siddur" party of my 
precious granddaughter Naama Fisher . Of course she arranged my appearance in coordination with her teacher Rachel
The ceremony was held in the sports hall at Kibbutz Beerot Isaac near Nechalim . Just before I got to sing, I suddenly saw the mythological teacher Rachel Heller . Rachel was my teacher at the same school in 
Nechalim that I learned as a child. And excitedly I sang one song of a prayer.

Have a great week my friends


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hello Dear Friends

I hope you feel great, I returned to Israel from a short holiday in the U.S. that gave me new strength, so much is going on Thank God, I hope you've all seen the link to the video animation in which I participate, a film about the "Baal Shem Tov " (MASTER OF GOOD NAME) one of the greatest Jewish sages and the founder of Hasidism, who distributed a lot of light and Torah in the world and helped each person.

It amazed me this week this place, in Italy, within all the chaos in which we live in a Multi-storey building residents were able to create a green and blooming .. In the Porta Nuova district of Milan, Italy, there is a pair of residential towers that (will) host more than 900 trees on 8,900 square meters of terraces as part of a "rehabilitation" of the historic district. Or in other terms: lots and lots of trees in a tiny little space to make the place look prettier. An ace creative idea.

Have a great Shabbat!


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Chodesh Tov!

A week on the huge ship allure of the seas passed at speed
About 400 guests gathered at "Kosherika" week of Jewish music and kosher gourmet meals

Until you see a ship containing ten thousand people you won't believe it. Seven thousand guests and three thousand crew... Shows the huge ship and vibrant professional staff and it was pure pleasure.
In addition, we stopped at several islands with beaches and beautiful places ... We walked and loved every minute of it.  

Now we are in Miami for two weeks of performances
It is impossible to believe that in the U.S. freezing cold, and here in Florida the sun is shining and the temperature is close to 30 degrees

Meanwhile I hear great news from the editing room in Los Angeles
The show we filmed to the American television station PBS looks amazing. I cannot wait to see examples.
Yesterday we visited a synagogue in Bnei Torah in which the singer Shlomit Aharon performed with the Three Tenors and highly enjoyed

Shabbat Shalom and good and happy Chodesh Adar Rishon

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Businesses that are pleasures

Week before I flew abroad I performed in two amazing shows
At Jerusalem at the Ramada hotel by "Tour plus" . 1200 people packed the congress hall for an unforgettable evening with the Cantors Helfgot and Motzin ... Excellent audience and exemplary organization

I want to go on a Cruise with Dudu

Last Sunday in Rishon Lezion at Heichal Hatarbut" over a thousand people packed the hall, a very special 
show. Rafi Biton The Conductor was superb, with the participation of other young cantors and wonderful children's choir "sounds from heaven".

Then I went to an evening show in Florida, on Sunday Departure cruise with "Kosherika" for a week.... 
festival of Jewish music on the beach. Avraham Fried, Cantor Motzin , Colin shocat  and more artists.
Im here Along with Tomer Adaddi  my music producer to play with other singers and spend a lovely week in the Caribbean.
Next week we will tell you how it all went…...
Shabbat Shalom

Friday, January 3, 2014

Hello my friend

This week we returned to perform with the "Givatron", last night was amazing in Tel aviv.
I love that show with the songs we grew up on them. Those beautiful Israeli songs ... Takes me back to childhood. 

We just started working on a 2 new shows,
Cantorial evening in  Rishon Letzion Cultural Center with a symphony orchestra conducted by Rafi Biton , one of the most talented conductors in liturgical music . The show will be held on Jan 12
And a very special evening with the cantor's mutzin and Helfgott .it will take place On Thursday the 9th of January in honor of Shabbat Shira at Remedia Jerusalem
mutzin and Helfgott will remain in Jerusalem and conduct the services on Saturday.
This Saturday is organized by "Tour plus" that never disappointing . we are cooperating in the field for Many years and it is always a perfect pleasure.
Good month and Shabbat Shalom to all

Thursday, December 26, 2013

We Are Back

We just got back from South Africa
We Prayed at the main synagogue of Cape Town on Friday night and performed in a show for the organization "OR" last Sunday, OR means light in Hebrew and those amazing people bringing light and strength to Israel
Last Friday Rabbi Weinberger asked if we can hold prayer in "Broadway style"J . The crowd sang and danced and went wild. I never thought it's possible to make an entire prayer with tunes from musicals ... I was wrong. It was quite an extraordinary experience
In the pic you can see (from the right) my Dear son Ofir., Karlington the devoted  driver and Roni palmer.

The Rabbi was very moving  in his sermon to his 1500 community members when all was mentioned -Obama , Nelson Mandela , Moses , former Prisoner of Zion Sheransky and even the character of Jean valjan from Les Miserables
Ofir Fisher, son of..... :) Also spoke at the synagogue about the OR organization's work led by Ronie Palmer
The Great audience expressed great interest and we hope that the interest will turn to donations and partnerships with various projects in the Negev and Galilee
In this week Prasha Moses is ending Egypt 10 Plagues . will Israel go out of Egypt at last? Stay tuned!:)
In The next two weeks we return with the show that is a great success with the "Gevatron" and in Jan 13 Going on tour again in America... Exciting days ahead.

Take care dear friends.
Shabbat Shalom