Sunday, February 23, 2014


I was in three events last week; one is bigger than the other...
Mike Huckabee Which is now visiting Israel with a group of Evangelical Christian tourists, invited me to sing at dinner that marked the opening of their journey to the Holy Land. It was a memorable evening with perfect Sympathy to Jerusalem and Israel

A day later I was invited to sing in the Israeli Knesset in Chagall hall for the heads of Jewish organizations in the U.S
Here too it was a thrilling experience unparalleled to see our brothers and sisters who came to express their support in our land.

But on Friday I was invited to sing in the most important event of the week. The "Siddur" party of my 
precious granddaughter Naama Fisher . Of course she arranged my appearance in coordination with her teacher Rachel
The ceremony was held in the sports hall at Kibbutz Beerot Isaac near Nechalim . Just before I got to sing, I suddenly saw the mythological teacher Rachel Heller . Rachel was my teacher at the same school in 
Nechalim that I learned as a child. And excitedly I sang one song of a prayer.

Have a great week my friends


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