Friday, January 3, 2014

Hello my friend

This week we returned to perform with the "Givatron", last night was amazing in Tel aviv.
I love that show with the songs we grew up on them. Those beautiful Israeli songs ... Takes me back to childhood. 

We just started working on a 2 new shows,
Cantorial evening in  Rishon Letzion Cultural Center with a symphony orchestra conducted by Rafi Biton , one of the most talented conductors in liturgical music . The show will be held on Jan 12
And a very special evening with the cantor's mutzin and Helfgott .it will take place On Thursday the 9th of January in honor of Shabbat Shira at Remedia Jerusalem
mutzin and Helfgott will remain in Jerusalem and conduct the services on Saturday.
This Saturday is organized by "Tour plus" that never disappointing . we are cooperating in the field for Many years and it is always a perfect pleasure.
Good month and Shabbat Shalom to all


  1. Hello Mr. Dudu Fisher.

    Happy to hear you.

    Where we'll be able to buy tickets to your performance in Rishon Lezion ?
    Could you write me the full information regarding the show?

    P. S.
    My email address is

    Shabbat Shalom,

  2. שלום דודו שבוע טוב שמח לשמוע אותך .עכשיו רציתי לשאול אותך אם תוכל להגיד לי איפה אני יכול לקנות כרטיס להופעה שלך בראשון לציון נ.ב. כתובת הדוא"ל שלי היא עכשיו מתי שתוכל ולא תהייה עסוק אני מאוד אשמח לדבר אתך
