Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hello Dear Friends

I hope you feel great, I returned to Israel from a short holiday in the U.S. that gave me new strength, so much is going on Thank God, I hope you've all seen the link to the video animation in which I participate, a film about the "Baal Shem Tov " (MASTER OF GOOD NAME) one of the greatest Jewish sages and the founder of Hasidism, who distributed a lot of light and Torah in the world and helped each person.

It amazed me this week this place, in Italy, within all the chaos in which we live in a Multi-storey building residents were able to create a green and blooming .. In the Porta Nuova district of Milan, Italy, there is a pair of residential towers that (will) host more than 900 trees on 8,900 square meters of terraces as part of a "rehabilitation" of the historic district. Or in other terms: lots and lots of trees in a tiny little space to make the place look prettier. An ace creative idea.

Have a great Shabbat!


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