Thursday, December 12, 2013

A bit sick:(

I'm feeling a bit sick this week but it was very important for me to tell you a few new exciting things that happening with me lately..

First I hope you all saw my new trailer for the upcoming movie! It was very emotional and powerful for me and ill hope you'll feel so too

 This week I recorded a new song with the sand artist Ilana Yahav, this art was new to me and it is stunning. Ilana has a half million viewers worldwide and you just can't stop watching her amazing work. 

. Regretfully I said goodbye to my beloved sister that returned to her family in Baltimore
Next week Im going to pack a suitcase again and go to South Africa for a few days
How beautiful it is to be in Israel and see Jerusalem my city of Gold Jerusalem becomes whiteJ 

Healthy winter for all of us


1 comment:

  1. Praying for your health to be complete and prosperous! Thank you for sharing the videos. I look forward to seeing your movie in the future. Blessing on your travels. :)
