Thursday, December 26, 2013

We Are Back

We just got back from South Africa
We Prayed at the main synagogue of Cape Town on Friday night and performed in a show for the organization "OR" last Sunday, OR means light in Hebrew and those amazing people bringing light and strength to Israel
Last Friday Rabbi Weinberger asked if we can hold prayer in "Broadway style"J . The crowd sang and danced and went wild. I never thought it's possible to make an entire prayer with tunes from musicals ... I was wrong. It was quite an extraordinary experience
In the pic you can see (from the right) my Dear son Ofir., Karlington the devoted  driver and Roni palmer.

The Rabbi was very moving  in his sermon to his 1500 community members when all was mentioned -Obama , Nelson Mandela , Moses , former Prisoner of Zion Sheransky and even the character of Jean valjan from Les Miserables
Ofir Fisher, son of..... :) Also spoke at the synagogue about the OR organization's work led by Ronie Palmer
The Great audience expressed great interest and we hope that the interest will turn to donations and partnerships with various projects in the Negev and Galilee
In this week Prasha Moses is ending Egypt 10 Plagues . will Israel go out of Egypt at last? Stay tuned!:)
In The next two weeks we return with the show that is a great success with the "Gevatron" and in Jan 13 Going on tour again in America... Exciting days ahead.

Take care dear friends.
Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A bit sick:(

I'm feeling a bit sick this week but it was very important for me to tell you a few new exciting things that happening with me lately..

First I hope you all saw my new trailer for the upcoming movie! It was very emotional and powerful for me and ill hope you'll feel so too

 This week I recorded a new song with the sand artist Ilana Yahav, this art was new to me and it is stunning. Ilana has a half million viewers worldwide and you just can't stop watching her amazing work. 

. Regretfully I said goodbye to my beloved sister that returned to her family in Baltimore
Next week Im going to pack a suitcase again and go to South Africa for a few days
How beautiful it is to be in Israel and see Jerusalem my city of Gold Jerusalem becomes whiteJ 

Healthy winter for all of us


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Home sweet home.

This week was a week of recovery... We went back from the  tour and we needed a rest... I would like to thank each and every one of you for the support and love I felt the last few weeks,
 I really enjoyed it, I have met new and old friends and I hope we will see you all next year.

Performing random acts of kindness like this is not only a proven way to elevate your own happiness level, but it can also inspire a chain reaction like the one that happened here. All the more reason to try out your own random act of kindness today, right?
Take good care and have a great week
