Thursday, October 17, 2013

This is an exciting week! ... we started running with my show "Jerusalem" in Branson Missouri.
This is the second year that we are opening in Branson and we
 are hope B"H to be coming here for many years.

Sunday was a sad day for me. I heard that the show " soul doctor" was closed. I saw the show last Thursday
 and I loved brought me back to the days I was singing with and for Reb Shlomo Carlibach. 
And here's the flyer about the cruise we are taking in January...a cruise is the best vacation phons or computers....sof sof, you can talk to your wife every day...:):) the best food on the biggest ship in the world with great entertainment
you can contact me directly to my website if you want to join
Have a great day everyone

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Exciting weeks Ahead.

So, my 2 new children cd's are out and they are wonderful, Orit vagenfeld made a beautiful work and im sure your kids will enjoy the perfect stories of the Bible!.
I'm abroad again and we are getting ready to perform in Branson,
 the amazing city who never sleeps..:)                                                                                                      
So many talented people in this city and very worm and happy people

Today I would like to tell you about this Kid who Tried To Kill Himself At Age 15 Then Became A Really Awesome Role Model At 41, Wentworth Miller, star of the old hit show "Prison Break," gave a 
heartbreaking and touching speech for the folks at Human Rights Campaign about his painful road to coming out. At 2:34, he explains what it is really like to be a gay kid in most places. At 6:31, he talks about the FIRST time he tried to kill himself. And at 9:18, he explains why it's so important to speak out

Hope we all learn from this amazing man how the overcome our difficulties and win life..

If you have a little more time.. you should watch this

Love. Dudu.