Tuesday, September 24, 2013


My favorite holiday-Sukkot ... the only one Im always here in Israel With family and friends in the sukkah .. Hours sitting, singing and speaking words of Torah
Jerusalem. sukkot cover and washed in green and gold threads interwoven with the sun through the cracks .. what a sublime feeling

 This year we combined work and pleasure.. Last Sunday heartwarming show with Gevatron in Tel Aviv
when it is full and overflowing
Amazing thing I discovered this week, it turns out that there is a phenomenon of bikers in Canada that
decided to help bystanders who need help, amazing, heartwarming. Worth watching and of course to learn 

Hoshana Rabah tomorrow and we will not be at the Western Wall  as always.. Because of an illness of a close friend ... we will pray closer
Unfortunately I am today in the hospital with my father from this morning
 Please pray for him -Michael Ben Malka
 Thank you and happy holidays

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