Thursday, August 29, 2013

Another Busy and emotional week.

This week I was in Warsaw, Poland . Its ten days of singers and cantors from all over the world  sing and play kleyzemer music , very emotional, today was my show in the Jewish Theater the place that was the center of the Ghettho during the war. Those strong words and songs in this special Jewish place. 
Right after the show im going back to my sweet home in israel i miss so much! .In sunday i will be back on my way to brazil.. thats if the things will be o.k. on the middle east. Hope the peace will come soon and a child will never fear of such horrors like those in Syria today. Human beings needs to come together in such times and Defeat evil in all its forms. The Compassion we have in our hearts and minds is more powerfull then any army or Dictator. Look at this guy for example, looks can be decieving .. Musician Dean Zimmer has quite an impressive story to tell

We are a few days before "Rosh Hashana" the world Birthday. May you and your Dear family have a good , Healthy, Strong and Happy year! Love you with all my Heart.



  1. Shana Tova, Gmar Chatimah Tova Dudu from Samuel Eitan Cohen who you let sing Adon Olam, Kol Ha Olam Kulo Gesher Tzar Meod when my mom came to see me in Modiin during Chanukah in 1995. You only had to sing 3 songs to fulfill your duty as a Reservist, and you let me sing 2 of your 3, knowing my mom was in the crowd watching me. I was a lone soldier who came from the US of A to sing in the IDF Choir, and your kindness has been in my heart throughout all these years. Dash,


  2. Heartwarming. Dudu Fisher is such a humanitarian. The world needs him right now very much.
