Thursday, August 29, 2013

Another Busy and emotional week.

This week I was in Warsaw, Poland . Its ten days of singers and cantors from all over the world  sing and play kleyzemer music , very emotional, today was my show in the Jewish Theater the place that was the center of the Ghettho during the war. Those strong words and songs in this special Jewish place. 
Right after the show im going back to my sweet home in israel i miss so much! .In sunday i will be back on my way to brazil.. thats if the things will be o.k. on the middle east. Hope the peace will come soon and a child will never fear of such horrors like those in Syria today. Human beings needs to come together in such times and Defeat evil in all its forms. The Compassion we have in our hearts and minds is more powerfull then any army or Dictator. Look at this guy for example, looks can be decieving .. Musician Dean Zimmer has quite an impressive story to tell

We are a few days before "Rosh Hashana" the world Birthday. May you and your Dear family have a good , Healthy, Strong and Happy year! Love you with all my Heart.


Friday, August 23, 2013

Hello again Dear friends

This week is about Friends and Legends.. im in a week of preparation for the "JERUSALEM" show in    Branson,In a meeting with Jimmi Osmond from the "Osmond brothers" that produces the filming
  On saturday i will meet with my Dear Friends David brog,  pastor John and Diane Hagee 

  Making a long Journey is hard. but it almost always pays off.. we work harder but we get more, satisfaction, power, even the relaxation time after is better.. look at this guy for example, a young man

First He Got Furious When His Neighbors Couldn't Get To Work — Then he Did Something      Marvelous About It

When Detroit failed to deliver a light-rail line that would have connected the city to the suburbs, a young entrepreneur took the initiative to dream big for the city he loves. just look at the video down below 

on Vimeo.
that is a strong and Innovating thinking! that is beautiful . you can share my blog with friends and family:) Talk to you soon

Shabat Shalom My Dear Friend.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hello Dear Friends

This week was very exciting for me, I performed in front of a large Audience of jews who came from Around the world for five days of lerning and singing (JLI convention ) it was amazing and exciting, this connection between large and diverse audiences , all in Honor of the Torah ..,I am currently in New York filming a movie on the Holocaust , Today the police closed a street here in New York for the filming and all the Decor is "The sixties".. Intresting 

 A story about the Holocaust that happend this week,About  Emery Jacoby , a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor who recently participated in a question-and-answer session on Reddit. After receiving a huge and deeply supportive response from Germany's youth, Jacoby cranked out this brilliant video for his young friends. His line at 0:21 about the German civilization gets me every time