Tuesday, July 30, 2013

  Hello my Dear friend

I hope you are well, I just came back from a long concert; I thought about all of you, I have no words to thank you for your great support in all our work. I'm sure the reason our paths crossed is no coincidence, it reminds me of a story,
  30 years ago, when Alex and Donna Voutsinas lived in different countries and long before they met and married, they were captured in the same photo at Disney World. That's Donna in front on the right. Alex is in the stroller in the background immediately behind Mr. Smee  .

That fateful realization came just one week before their wedding in 2002. Alex and Donna had been going through old family snapshots. There, in the blurry background of a picture of 5-year-old Donna was 3-year-old Alex being pushed down Main Street at the same moment in 1980 by his father. This cute story shows us that there are bigger things that crosses our life, we should be thankful and happy in any way we can.

With all my Love.

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